Future Network

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Future Network is a quarterly, informal evening hosted by Metal for artists, organisations and creative businesses working in all disciplines to come together to discuss ideas, meet others and learn new skills.

The next event is on Thursday 21st April at 6pm at Chauffeurs Cottage, St Peter’s Road, Peterborough PE1 1YX.

Guest speakers include Bedford creative Arts, a contemporary arts charity. BCA deliver a programme of artist commissions and residencies, events, projects, and workshops that cater for a wide audience and provide new opportunities for artists. The other guest speaker will be artists in residence choreographers H2 Dance. H2 Dance is currently in Residence at Metal Peterborough, they will be talking about their practice, the project they are developing whilst here and how you can get involved.


If you would like to present one of the 3 Minute Wonder ‘open mic’ slots please email [email protected] asap.


6PM – Bedford Creative Arts

Bedford Creative Arts is a contemporary arts charity. BCA deliver a programme of artist commissions and residencies, events, projects, and workshops that cater for a wide audience and provide new opportunities for artists.

For future Network BCA will be talking about their partnership with libraries looking at new audiences and engaging the arts. For their project ‘Library as a Laboratory’ BCA asked 8 artists the question ’How can our library of there future thrive?’ the artists are working with local residents to explore ideas around the library of the future.

Previous BCA projects have included ‘The Bedford Song Book’ a book celebrating local artists and musicians. ‘Complaints Choir’ – Bedford arts choir sang peoples grouches, peeves and pet hates. And ‘La passeggiata’ an Italian tradition of taking a very slow stroll through town before dinner, Bedfordians got dressed up and went for a slow stroll through the streets of Bedford and stopped for aperitif or an ice cream.



7pm – 7.30pm: 3 Minute Wonders - Up to 10 x 3 minute ‘open mic’ spots for artists/organisations to talk about new ideas, existing projects, opportunities coming up, or calls for support.

7.30pm: Invited guest speaker H2 Dance will talk about her work with opportunity for Q&A.

Hanna Gillgren from H2 Dance will be joining us to talk about H2’s practice and residency at Metal Peterborough.

H2 Dance make work that sits in between performance and dance, often taking a humorous approach to serious subject matters. They work collaboratively with interdisciplinary teams of professionals and local communities to create evocative performances that challenge and respond to the audience. Currently they have been exploring themes such as group behaviour, conformity, power balance and manipulation. The notion of the group versus the individual, the public and the private is investigated through movement, voice and video.

Find out about their project in Peterborough and how you can get involved at the next Future network.




Past Event

Future Network

Thu 21 April 2016


Ends: Thu 21 April 9:00PM

Metal, Chaufferurs Cottage



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